Computer Assisted Spine Surgery in guntur

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Computer assisted spine surgery in Guntur is a high level, minimally invasive spinal fusion technique where computer guidance is utilized to assist in directing the fusion procedure.

Traditionally, surgeons do a lumbar fusion procedure with the help an opentechnique. Open medical procedure gives an immediate line of vision to the vertebra through a longer cut which may help during the time placing the implants. With the aid of the computer, minimally invasive technique permits the spine surgeons in Guntur to do the procedure with tiny cuts and minimal dissection.

Robotics technology directs the surgeon’s tools to guarantee the most significant levels of precision while minimizing the utilization of fluroscopy (intraoperative pictures) which can diminish the openness to radiation.

The advantages of minimally invasive spinal fusionareto protect close by healthy tissue which can result in less complications, less loss of blood, less pain, minimal scars, quicker recuperation, and faster re-visitation of everyday life.

The lumbar spineincorporates the 5 largest and strongest vertebrae. Between every vertebra is a gel-like plate that gives a padding impact to assimilate pressure and appropriate pressure. The low back is exposed to pain-provoking illnesses that ranges from simple strains to a herniated disc, degenerative disc illness, spondylolisthesis or spinal stenosis.

Computer Assisted Spine Surgery

When is the surgery needed?

On the off chance that you have deteriorating back or leg pain that leads to spondylolisthesis, disc degeneration, arecurrent herniated disc or other spine abnormality that restricts your regular activities, and traditional measures have fizzled, you could think about spinal fusion procedure.

The type of fusion medical procedure at Computer assisted spine surgery hospitals in Guntur relies upon numerous factorsthat includes your general wellbeing, the area and severity of your issue, and pain and disability. It is vital that you are painstakingly screened by a skilled specialist who is well-trained in spinal fusion procedures to decide the best course of action.

Candidate for the procedure

Expected candidates for computer assisted lumbar fusions are the people with pain or flimsiness in the lumbar spine from disc degeneration, spondylolisthesis (where one vertebra has slipped forward over another), degenerative scoliosis (spine misalignment) or recurrent herniated disc. Though, computer assisted robotic surgery isn’t for everyone.

A spine specialist in Guntur who is trained in minimally invasive and other spinal fusion procedures is the best individual to decide the most appropriate choice for every person.

Consultation with Dr. Naresh Babu is essential in making that determination.

There are numerous benefits that can prompt a quicker recuperation, including:

  1. Less tissue damage and loss of blood
  2. Less pain after the surgery
  3. Minimal scarring
  4. Limited medical clinic stays
Consultation For Any

Spine, Orthopedic, Accident, Trauma & Emergency Services